Blog Schedule – Words About Our Salvation

May 7, 2022 (Saturday)

Tomorrow’s blog will be about Mothers Day.

Theme for the week beginning on Monday: Words About Our Salvation

I have been thinking of a theme for blogs for the week of May 9-13, mulling over an idea. I thought, what about writing five blogs about words that describe our experience with God and our salvation? Since I no longer write blogs for weekends, that idea must content itself with five theological words. I began a little research on such words and discovered that at least one very industrious person had come up with 447 such words. Immediately, I understood the impossibility of trying to write about 447 theological words in 5 blogs.

I fell back then, upon myself and 5 theological words that are important when discussing the great salvation that is ours in Christ. The five words are:
1. Repentance
2. Faith
3. Grace
4. Regeneration
5. Justification

I shall write a blog each day, beginning Monday and concluding Friday.
The five words above will be the titles of the blogs, Monday through Friday.