How’s it going?

How’s it going with your soul?

chas001.jpg 3 John 1:1-2 NKJV reads, “To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
Have you ever spent a little time with this verse? It is a very interesting one, indeed. John expresses his wish for his friend, Gaius, to have health and wealth in direct proportion to the condition of his soul.
What if all of a sudden your house was in the same shape as your soul? Would it become a beautiful mansion or a shack with a dirt floor? Your car? A Rolls Royce or an old unpainted, dented wreck with a smoking engine? Your yard? Landscaped and manicured or full of weeds, thorns, burrs and sharp rocks?
What if all of a sudden your body was just as healthy as your soul? Would you be in perfect health, trim and muscular, handsome, beautiful? Or would you be on your last leg with one foot in the grave?
Your soul is you, your spiritual self.
Your soul needs the same attention as your body.
What is the condition of your soul?
You care for your body with diet and exercise, paying close attention to any unusual symptoms of possible problems. You get a medical checkup from time to time. You care for your soul in the same way. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what that means. What is a spiritual diet? What is spiritual exercise? What possible symptoms could let you know that all is not well with your soul? What do you believe a spiritual checkup might be?
Think about it.