God wants to bless you

Don’t refuse your blessings

chas4.jpg When my grandfather was ill 50 years ago, I was given $20 to fly from Dallas to Houston, so that I could visit one last time with him in the hospital. When I paid for the ticket, I received a few small coins in change. The plane ticket had cost almost exactly $20.
When I got to the hospital, I visited with the family the rest of the day in the waiting room. As the sun dipped toward the horizon, somebody asked me if I was hungry. I replied that I was, because I had not had anything to eat since breakfast. “Oh?” came the reply, “I thought they served a meal on the airplane.” “Well,” I answered, “they did serve a meal, but I didn’t have any money.” “What!” they exclaimed. “The meal was paid for. You bought it when you paid for the ticket!” It had been my first commercial flight and I still had a lot to learn. (Click here to stop propellors)
In those days, flights were slower (my plane was a DC6 or DC7) and meals were served on most flights, especially those at mealtime, and my flight had taken place during the noon hour.
The irony is that when the lady asked, “Would you like a meal?” I was already hungry. Yes, I would have enjoyed a meal, but I said no because I was broke.
How many times in our lives have we refused to claim what is rightfully ours as the children of God? We have lived as spiritual paupers because we have spurned God’s grace. His blessings have been waiting for us but we have been too busy to claim them. How sad.
The Lord wants to bless you and make you a blessing. You are somebody special to Him. Let each of us remember the beautiful words of a solo we’ve heard many times in the past, “My father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in his hands. .. With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the king.”