Growth of the Church: Beginnings

May 2, 2022 (Monday)

Theme for the Week: Growth of the Church

Acts 1-2

The blogs this week are based on the Bible Book of Acts, written by Luke the physician, companion of the Apostle Paul and historian of the New Testament years.

Last week I wrote a series of blogs about “Birth of the Church,” which was based upon the first two chapters of the Book of Acts. We saw how the followers of Jesus (120 of them) prayed in the upper room at Jerusalem until suddenly there was a sound as of a rushing wind, and the Holy Spirit gave them the ability to communicate in other languages. They then witnessed to all the people from other nations who were in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). Peter preached about Jesus and 3000 people were saved and baptized. Suddenly the church of the the Lord Jesus Christ was in existence.

Thousands more were soon saved as the church became alive. The Believers all shared their belongings, broke bread together, praised God, listened to the teaching of the apostles, had great fellowship and a good reputation among the other people of Jerusalem. Those could have been known as “the good old days” of the church. Acts 2 closed with love and peace prevailing.

The body of Believers in Jesus experienced a few problems within as they were getting started, but under the leadership of the Apostles, soon resolved those issues and the church was “off and running.”

The Book of Acts is the story of how the church began. We have seen in Chapters 1 and 2 that it got its start in Jerusalem. But Jesus had told them beforehand, ” you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” They know about witnessing in Jerusalem by the end of chapter 2, but the rest of the Book of Acts tells us about the gospel’s growth into the world beyond. Tomorrow’s blog will continue this wonderful story.

Opposition would soon develop as members of the Sanhedrin boiled with anger and jealousy over the church’s growth and success. The church’s tranquility was soon dispelled by opposition from the powerful religious rulers. The blogs this week will tell the tremendous story of how the gospel was spread to a waiting world.

Theme of blogs for May 2-6, 2022:

Growth of the Church

Based on the Bible Book of Acts.
1. Monday, May 2: Growth of the Church – Beginnings (Acts 1-2)
2. Tuesday, May 3: Growth of the Church – Jerusalem (Acts 3-7)
3. Wednesday, May 4: Growth of the Church – Palestine and Syria (Acts 8-13)
4. Thursday, May 5: Growth of the Church – Advancing (Acts 14-28)
5. Friday, May 6: Growth of the Church – Advancing Still (Acts Unfinished)