We Thank God for His Love

March 23, 2022 (Wednesday)

Pre-Easter Theme: What Jesus Taught Us

Theme for this week: We Can Love God

I rejoice in the fact that our nation has a special day set aside every year to give thanks to God for His presence and power. People of faith, however, know that Thanksgiving is appropriate every day of our lives. I believe most Believers give thanks to God every day for all His blessings.

Shakespeare had a way with words and spoke the truth through one of his characters, King Lear, who felt wronged by his daughter and said, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child” (King Lear, 1605). A thankless child gave the king real pain. Do we not understand that God is hurt by our thankless ways? “To God be the glory” should always be our theme. We have known people who thanked God for His help and blessings until they grew strong and powerful.

Some people give themselves praise for accomplishments. A few people make sure that God gets no praise. They are definitely not thankful for blessings. The Bible calls such a person “worthless” and “churlish” (1 Samuel 25). Better to be a thankful person. The New Testament urges us to “be thankful” and, as a result, we can “rejoice.”

Paul suggests to us that all our prayers be offered “with thanksgiving.” As we recite our many blessings, let us always remember to thank the Lord for His love — a love so great that He spared not His own son, but delivered Him up for us all.” God’s love includes all the people of the world, but it is also specifically aimed personally at you. We teach our children to sing, “Yes, Jesus loves me.” We need to join their chorus, thanking the Lord for His love every time we think of Him.

A chorus that was sung often when I first started going to church as a teenager in the late 1940s was, “Thank you Lord, for Saving my Soul.” If you remember it, sing it with me. I learned only the chorus but here’s the whole song and a little history behind it