Hear Me, O Lord (Psalm 13)

chasinblog2.jpgSeptember 14, 2016 (Wednesday)
Clinical Depression is a severe mental condition that often requires professional help. It may be totally psychological but often is also related to our biology. King Saul may have suffered from clinical depression. David was also depressed, but his being downcast was due neither to psychology nor biology; his depression was temporary but very painful, emotionally. Saul was trying to kill him, and people who had been David’s friends were turning against him in order to avoid the wrath of the king. David felt alone and rejected, sad and despondent, full of despair. One might say David was experiencing “The Blues,” but his feelings were much more traumatic than that. He was suffering intensely and constantly through no fault of his own.


Psalm 13

I. Despair (1-2)
II. Prayer (3-4)
III.Confidence (5-6)


Psalm 13
New International Version (NIV)

For the director of music. A Psalm of David.
1 How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
3 Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
4 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me.

David’s experience is echoed in the lives of many of us. We despair because we feel God has left us, but the truth may be that we have left Him. Pelle Karlsson wrote a song that puts into words the journey of the depressed Christian who finds his way back to God as he meditates upon God’s unfailing love.

by Pelle Karlsson
Unfailing love flows from His heart and heals my soul
In spite of who I am, you love and make me whole
I almost can’t believe it’s true: Unfailing love
And yet I know He gave His life to give to me: Unfailing love.
If the highest mountains turn to ashes
If the mighty rivers should run dry
Should sun and moon grow dim
I still will trust in Him
He’s watching from above
I’m resting in His love.
Unfailing love flows from His heart and heals my soul
In spite of who I am, He loves and makes me whole
I almost can’t believe it’s true: Unfailing love
And yet I know He gave His life to give to me: Unfailing love.
You chose me, you called me out, My life you have ordained.
The strength I have came from you To bring glory to your name.
But in my weakness, through my faults I turned from you, I slipped away,
I feel so very far from you, Please hear my cry, I humbly pray.
One more time let me feel the warmth of your embrace,
One more time let me be assured of your saving grace,
Let me know the power of your touch,
To once again know your love.
Let me know you’re living in me one more time.
There’s a longing in my soul to find
What I have lost and left behind.
Come to me, I need Thee, fill me with your love
One more time let me feel the warmth of your embrace,
One more time let me be assured of your saving grace,
Let me know the power of your touch,
To once again know your love.
Let me know you’re living in me, Let me know you’re living in me,
Let me know you’re living in me one more time.
Let me know you’re living in me one more time.

Hear Evie sing this song
Hear all the verses here(New York Children’s Vocal Ensemble)