Election year

It’s b-a-a-a-ack!

chas4.jpg No doubts about it. This is an election year. The candidates are raising millions of dollars. The voters are turning out at the caucuses and primaries. The race is on.
I hope you like politics. You’re going to get a steady diet of politics from now until November. Let’s hope the election can be decided on election day this year, not sometime in December as in the year 2000.
Elections cost a lot of money and take a lot of time. Some countries have decided to do away with them and set up totalitarian regimes that guarantee their citizens won’t be bothered with them anymore.
I don’t know about you, but I like democracy. I like the idea of people being informed well enough to make intelligent decisions. I love the feel of a society in which people speak their minds without fear of being arrested for it.
There are some things I don’t think are quite right in our government. It worries me that big money usually means big power and strong influence with the lawmakers. But we are working on that. Ultimately our greatest tool, as Americans who want to see fairness and justice, is the election process.
So, bring it on. The speeches. The commentaries. The editorials. The blogs. The soap boxes. The screamers as well as the quiet voters. This is it. This is the country our founders dreamed about, and many have given their lives for. Love it, and make it better. Enjoy the election. It’s much better than the alternatives.