
Chas.suit.1.jpgNovember 30, 2015 (Monday)
A few days ago I saw 14 doves perched on two parallel wires. Later I saw a picture of another much larger group of birds. Doubtless you have seen such a sight yourself. Sometimes there are so many birds that it creates a show worthy of charging admission. Here’s the picture:


Now that’s a lot of birds!
Dale Pogue recently wrote about a flock of ducks perched on the wires above his back yard. Not the usual place for ducks up there on wires, but it happens.
Why do birds gather in groups like that? Because they are social animals. For want of better, more scientific terms, they like each other’s company. If a new bird appears, they move over and make a place for it.
Many critters are social beings. Humans are in those groups. They, too, enjoy each other. Sometimes it may seem like they don’t, but their basic nature compels them to find each other, and, if possible, to enjoy each other. The success of such things as facebook illustrates that fact. Over a billion people now participate in facebook, sharing information about themselves with others, and learning from them in return.
People like people so they take pride in their tribes, clubs, churches, platoons, divisions, regiments, shipmates, schools, teams, etc. etc.
Something is wrong, however, when people of one group hate people of another group. Tragedy results if they become violent in actions against each other. Deep down in our hearts I think most of us want to enjoy each other, have fun, enjoy good times, and behave in a way that makes life better for others.
Jesus said (John 14:27), “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” Paul, in Ephesians, said that Jesus came to bring peace between rival groups. The angels (Luke 2) announced Jesus’ birth with the promise of peace among human beings. Jesus (Matthew 5) said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” One of the great benedictions of the Bible (Numbers 6:26) is, “The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
Many Christmas cards will be inscribed with the words, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” May it be so.