December Again

Chas.suit.1.jpgDecember 1, 2015 (Tuesday)
The word, “December,” means “Tenth Month.” Hold on, there, Podnah, Everybody knows December is the twelfth month. So why is it the “tenth month?” Because the earlier Roman calendar started the year in March. This left the days between December and March nameless. Hard to believe, eh? But that’s the way it was. A later calendar made the nameless period into months, but December retained its name (tenth month).
So, what about December, 2015? What’s in store for us?


Weatherwise, December can be very cold but all the forecasts for our part of the world seem to call for moderate winter temperatures this time around.
Seasonally speaking, winter begins with the shortest day of the year, around December 21st.
For those old enough to remember, December 7th is a somber day. Pearl Harbor Day. For the U.S.A., the beginning of World War 2.
The first event that probably pops into most minds is Christmas. It is a “day” but it is also a “season,” involving weeks of emphasis. Many have already completed their Christmas shopping but, if not, the calendar is a strong reminder that Christmas is near.
Christmas is many things to many people, but for Christians it’s all about the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, being born at Bethlehem. Though it is certain that December 25 is not the actual birth date, it has become entrenched in our world as the day the Son of God was born of a virgin. Special church services abound this time of year.
After Christmas, the world breathes a sigh and awaits the coming of a new year. December marks the end of 2015, and as it departs on New Year’s Eve, celebrations of various kinds take place. Then comes a new year, and we start all over again.
Happy December.