Blog talk

Miscellaneous topics

DECEMBER 11, 2007 (TUESDAY) – I talked with Jonathan Leftwich yesterday, and he told me he will receive his Seminary Degree this Saturday, December 18, 2007 at Logsdon Seminary, Abilene, Texas. Congratulations, Jonathan! We are very proud of you and thankful to be counted among your many friends. We will be forever thankful for your ministry here at the First Baptist Church of Rockport.
Jonathan and I talked about the weather. At 6:00 p.m., while we were conversing on the phone, the temperature was 73 in Rockport, 48 in Austin, and 37 in Abilene. Not only was it cold up there, it was wet as well. “O beautiful, beautiful Texas” must have been written in Rockport.
Kim Jones told the church that she and Scott are Dallas Cowboys fans. This is a good week for their fans, as the “boys’ snatched victory from the arms of defeat at the last minute. Seems like old times.
Well, this blog so far is about friends, weather, and sports. Now what? How about food? I made some soup last week, and Dwight lit up a fire in the fireplace. The weather was cool. Now it’s warm again. I’m waiting for cooler weather, so I can try my hand again with the soup. No recipe. Just some of this and some of that, hoping the pot doesn’t overflow as I keep adding and tasting. When it tastes right, I quit adding stuff. M-m-m-m, good.
How about movies? Seen one lately? I saw “Sleepy Hollow” last week, starring Johnny Depp, made in 1999. I enjoyed seeing the screen version of the classic story, starring a great actor. When I asked my son if he had seen it before, he said, “yes,” and then told me I had also seen it before, on DVD, and then told me what my reactions were, when I saw it. Now, that’s what makes life so exciting for us seniors: everything is new, no matter how many times it has happened.