The Faithful Few

Chas.suit.1.jpgSeptember 3, 2015 (Thursday)
I share with you today an old poem that’s been around as long as I can remember. The author has obviously “been there” and experienced that situation. I believe that the problem described in the poem is not as prevalent as it used to be. It seems to me that more and more Christians want to be involved, especially in mission activities of many kinds. There are still some folks around, however, who might take notice that they, too, are needed. If they would get involved they would be much happier than they are.

In every church, in every clime,
When there’s some work to do,
It very likely will be done
By just the faithful few.
While many folks will help to sing,
And some of them will talk,
When it comes down to doing things,
A lot of them will balk.
“We can’t do this, we can’t do that,
Excuse us, please, this time.
We’d be so glad to help you out,
But it’s not in our line.”
So when a leader casts about
To find someone “who’ll do,”
Although he’s done it oft before,
He asks The Faithful Few.
Of course they’re very busy too,
And always hard at work,
But well he knows they’ll not refuse,
Nor any duty shirk.
They never stop to make excuse,
But promptly try to do
The very, very best they can
To smooth the way for you.
God bless, I pray, The Faithful Few,
And may their tribe increase;
They must be very precious to
The blessed Prince of Peace.

Chester E. Shuler