Safe on Shore

Chas.suit.1.jpgSeptember 2, 2015 (Wednesday)
This evening at Bethel Baptist Church, Ingleside, we will be in Acts 28 and conclude our study of the Book of Acts. When the Book of Acts ends, it leaves Paul in Rome, awaiting trial by Caesar. From the other Biblical materials, we learn that two years later he was tried and found innocent. He was then released to continue his mission work for another four years, until he was arrested and beheaded by Nero in the year 66 A.D.
The dramatic shipwreck on a sandbar in a Malta bay resulted in all of the 276 people aboard getting safely to land, where they were met by the people who lived there, who treated them with uncommon kindness and gracious hospitality. It was a rainy and cold day in the latter part of October, 59 A.D., when the gracious hosts built a fire and gave the refugees food. Paul joined the natives in picking up firewood and as he placed it on the fire, a snake came out from the bundle of wood and hung onto his hand. He shook it off into the fire. At first the people thought he was a criminal because of the snake bite, but when nothing happened to Paul because of it, they decided he must be a god, reminding Paul of his similar experience years before in Lystra. One cannot depend on the opinions of others in this life. Be sure you know who you are, and do your best for the Lord.
The chief magistrate of the island kept Paul and his friends in his home for 3 months, until weather permitted the resumption of their trip to Rome, this time on a ship that had been in safe harbor there through the worst winter months. Upon arrival in Italy, Paul was permitted to stay a week with his Christian brothers before making the 100-mile trip to Rome, where he was allowed to live in a rented house until his trial two years later. So ends the book of Acts, but Paul had four more years of service, during which time he wrote several letters which became books in our New Testament. We’ll take a look at that next Wednesday. One thing is certain: Paul never stopped serving the Lord until his dying breath at age 66. He set a great example, persevering for Christ (2 Timothy 4:7).
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.. (2 Tim 4:7 KJV).”

(Reprinted from July 24, 2009)