Then I Met the Master

June 5, 2021 (Friday)

Our calendar was based on the birth of Christ; all years before Christ’s birth have traditionally been designated B.C. (before Christ) and those after his birth as A.D., an abbreviation for the Latin term “Anno Domini” which means “in the year of the Lord.” Now, scientists and historians have adopted an alternative dating system. They’re referring to B.C. as B.C.E. (before the Common Era), and to A.D. as C.E. (Common Era). The change was made to mask the Christian basis for the dating system, in a bid to accommodate non-Christians and maintain political correctness. In either system, the current year is 2021, so why the change?

I have also noted in several modern TV shows the use of “The Universe” instead of “God.” This is much like “The Force” of “Star Wars” movies. Both designations are simple attempts to replace the word, “God, with other words. Their theory is that most people don’t believe in God anymore. But the pie chart of world religions below tells a different story.

Once we have met the Lord, we become new people, As the Bible says, “..anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT). The Book of Acts relates Paul’s meeting Christ and then tells of several times when Paul told others of his experience of “meeting the Master.” I feel sure that Paul gave that testimony everywhere he went for the rest of his life. To summarize his experience: “I met the Master. Now I am no longer the same.”

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