April 2, 2015 (Thursday)
I’ve been thinking of writing a book called, “Recipes for Guys Who Don’t Know How to Cook.” Every once in a while I just start throwing stuff together and heating it up. Sometimes that does not work out so well, but sometimes it produces food that’s pretty good.
My recent bout with an upper respiratory problem had me digging through the soup cans in my cupboard. I found a can of Chicken Noodle soup, and it was just what I needed. Oh, how good it was. No complicated instructions: add water, heat and serve. Works so well for a cold I can’t believe it’s available without a prescription.
The next day I thought about tomato soup. It goes well with a cold, too. I got a can of it from the shelf, poured it into a pot, added water and..then I thought, maybe this would be better with a little chicken in it. So I added a small can of chicken chunks. Well, thinks I, I believe I’ll add some of the frozen mixed vegetables I’ve had in the freezer for a while. Heated it all up, and..it was not very good. So I put most of it in the refrigerator. The next day, I put some of it a bowl, and added a slice of cheese, microwaved it and wow, what a difference. It was good. Real good. I had a hot meal and didn’t really cook anything. That’s my kind of cooking.
Let me share with you my chili recipe: 1. Buy can of chili. 2. Open can at home. 3. Pour contents into bowl. 4. Place in microwave. 5. Remove and eat when hot. Can’t beat it.

And they said we old guys could not take care of ourselves. Little did they know.