
blogpicchas4.jpgJanuary 12, 2015 (Monday)
You may think this is a commercial for a product, but it is not.
I want to express my deep appreciation for an allergy medication. I’ve never used anything to compare with its effectiveness. It’s a nasal spray. It’s only used once a day. I’ve only used it four days, but it seems to prevent allergy attacks absolutely. The active ingredient in it is a corticosteroid, and is being marketed under several brand names that are now sold over the counter without prescriptions. For the time being I am free of the symptoms that have plagued me all my life. For me, it’s almost a miracle. I thank the Lord for the people who have made it available.
I feel like the woman described by Jesus who found her money after losing it for a while. Remember how Jesus quoted her as saying, “Rejoice with me, I have found my coin which was lost.” I feel like saying, “Rejoice with me, I have found something that helps.”
Isn’t that perfectly natural? When we find someone or something that can help others, we make it known. That’s really what prompts us as Christians to tell others about Jesus. He has come into our lives and made them better. He has given His life for us, so that we may be saved. He has demonstrated God’s love for everyone, and we want to share that love. The old song says, “What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.”
My dear friends, Ruth and Troy Conner, have sung a duet all their married life that shows us how we can tell others this blessed story:

by W.F. Lakey and V.B. Ellis

Have you a heart that’s weary
Tending a load of care
Are you a soul that’s seeking
Rest from the burden you bear?
Who knows your disappointments
Who hears each time you cry
Who understands your heartaches
Who drys the tears from your eyes?
Do you know my Jesus
Do you know my friend
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?

Listen to the song here.