Old Fading – New Coming

blogpicchas4.jpgDecember 29, 2014 (Monday)
Three days are left in 2014, then it will be only a memory. For some people, the memory will be pleasant, but for others, not so. So it is with every year. Most of us can remember good years and bad years. The Lord helps us, however, to find good even in the so-called bad years. So far, for me, one more year of life is a good year.
My children gave me an electronic tablet for Christmas. I’m afraid they have overestimated their father’s brainpower. I’m trying, but the going is slow in learning how it works and how to work it.
cursive.jpgMy feelings as I try to use my new toy are very similar to those I had when first exposed to cursive writing in school. I stood at the door and cried, “I’ll never learn how to do that.” I did learn, however, and later developed a callus on my finger from writing so much of it. A vestige of it remains even today. samsung.jpgHopefully, I’ll learn how to use the tablet, too. It’s hard to read the instructions for the handheld computer called a tablet through my crybaby tears–tears of self-pity because my mind is playing catchup with life. Just joking; no sympathy cards, please.
I am very fortunate to have the confidence of my children at my age, and fortunate also to have the confidence of the Bethel Baptist Church of Ingleside, expressed by the call to become the interim pastor once again. I am exceedingly fortunate to have good health with a few minor problems now and then, but nothing of great significance.
Thank you, Lord, for the blessings of 2014, and for the promise of your being with us to help us in 2015. Bring it on.