Life wrecked? There is Hope!

August 22, 2014 (Friday)
house.jpgYesterday’s blog quoted Jesus as saying we are wise when we build our lives upon the strong foundation of faith and obedience to him, but foolish if we build upon a weak foundation that ignores God, for the fall of that house is sad and tragic.Later in His ministry Jesus gave us an illustration of how a person’s life can collapse.
He told us about a foolish son who demanded his inheritance ahead of time, took it to another country and wasted it in sinful living. His house fell (his life fell apart) and he found himself alone and in need of help. What Jesus had said about building upon the sand had come true for him, and the house of his life fell apart. His life was shattered.
Jesus told us about that boy because He wanted to emphasize the hope that was still his if he would repent and ask forgiveness from his father. When Jesus told about that son returning home and being forgiven, he was talking about every person who realizes his need and comes to Christ in faith, believing Him to be the resurrected Son of the living God and confessing Him as the Lord of his/her life.
Your life may have collapsed like an old house on a poor foundation, or you may know of someone who is having that experience. There is hope. If a person finally reaches a point in life where he/she realizes there’s no way to go but up, Christ is willing to lift that person, forgive that person, and help that person to build a life upon a strong foundation.
pic of charles“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV). A grand old hymn from the past calls us to Christ: “Let not conscience make you linger, nor of fitness fondly dream; all the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of Him.” *

* Hymn, “I Will Arise and Go To Jesus”
(Click here to hear this song. Click on “Midi” on the page). See lyrics too.
Hear it sung beautifully by Ruut Sallinen on YouTube. Click here.