First Thessalonians – a devotional thought

[..and Independence Day 2014 (see below)]

pic of charlesJuly 4, 2014 (Friday)
When Paul (with Silas and Timothy) left Philippi, he went to Thessalonica, about 100 miles away. After several weeks, prominent Jews of that city grew increasingly jealous of Paul’s success in converting Gentiles who had been worshiping with the Jews. Antagonism grew between them and Paul until the situation grew dangerous for the Apostle. At the pleading of his friends, Paul moved on to Berea, where they had success but soon the same type of trouble was repeated, so Paul was persuaded to leave town again, this time being escorted to Athens, where he was to await word from his friends when it was safe to return to them and the work. When he finally received word, the news was not encouraging, so he moved on to Corinth, where he stayed for 18 months. While there, he received word through Timothy that the Thessalonian Christians were doing well and growing in love. But they had concerns. Some of their loved ones had died, and they had thought that Jesus would return before that could happen. What was going to happen to their loved ones? Paul tenderly and lovingly explained to them that the appearance of the Lord will certainly take place, but we don’t know exactly when that will happen. In the meantime, let us be faithful to the Lord and good to each other. The entire letter literally overflows with thoughts and words of Paul’s love for them.


First Thessalonians – a devotional thought
Love is a theme of this book. In our older hymnals is a song the folks at church used to love singing: “Of the themes that men have known, one supremely stands alone. Through the ages it has shown–’tis His wonderful, wonderful love. Love is the theme. Love is supreme. Sweeter it grows, glory bestows. Bright as the sun,ever it glows. Love is the theme! Eternal theme!” Is love the theme of your life? Your church? Your family? Your…


THE 4th OF JULY – Happy Birthday U.S.A. !
INDEPENDENCE DAY(Our country is 238 years old)


You’re a Grand Old Flag
by George M. Cohan

You’re a grand old flag
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You’re the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave
Every heart beats true
‘Neath the red white and blue
Where there’s never a boast or brag
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag

Click here to read Mark Miller’s June 24th blog on prayer for our nation. Mark Miller is the son-in-law of Joe and Becky Livingston of Rockport, and is pastor of Oakridge Baptist Church in Portland. His blog is a call to prayer on June 29th, but his thoughts on prayer for our nation are appropriate also on July 4th.