Laugh and Smile

March 4, 2014 (Tuesday)
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Proverbs 17:24 KJV). The Bible reminds us that there is “a time to weep, and a time to laugh..” (Ecclesiastes 3:4 KJV).


Reader’s Digest had (or has, I suppose) a page of funny stories entitled, “Laughter, the best medicine.”
After buying a few things at Wal Mart, I stopped by the Pogue home to visit with Ann and Dale. We had a good time, discussing our lifetime of ministry in the churches. After bringing up an experience that had been painful at the time, we both had a good laugh about it, and I walked to my car, chuckling all the way. I felt a lot better after that visit.
pic of charlesCharlie Chaplin wrote a song that has survived through several generations, entitled, “Smile.” The words remind us of the importance of smiles and laughter. Here are some of the words of that song that give us good advice: “Light up your face with gladness. Hide every trace of sadness. Although a tear may be ever so near, that’s the time you must keep on trying. Smile, what’s the use of crying. You’ll find that life is still worthwhile-If you just smile.”

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