
pic of charlesFebruary 25, 2014 (Tuesday)
It’s foggy again this morning. We’ve had a lot of fog recently. We have always had fog in this area, some years more foggy than others. When my family and I moved to Rockport around Halloween in 1964, we spent the night with my relatives in Houston and let the moving van come on down to Rockport. Our plan was to get started from Houston very early and meet the movers here. But the fog moved into Houston, and after driving in it before daylight for a couple of miles, I gave up because I just could not see where I was going. We inched along the road until we barely could make out a driveway, pulled in, said a little prayer and backed out, turning around and going back to the house until the fog lifted later in the morning. When we got to Rockport, the movers had come and gone, and our fog story was not well received, because there had been no fog in Rockport.
I remember some winter visitors who were very unhappy one year as the fog was rather thick, and persistent, day after day, week after week. The man cornered me one day to complain. “We had perfect weather last year when we were here, so we invited friends to come with us this year, and we’ve had drizzle and fog every day!” He said it like a judge about to pronounce sentence upon me as though I were somehow responsible.
“Oh, well, you can’t win them all,” I guess. We will have a mixed bag of different kinds of weather until winter completely gives way to spring, and then the wind will start blowing day after day after day after day….until hurricane season, when we start keeping a watchful eye on the Gulf. Never a dull moment.
Foggy? “This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” What a wonderful world.