Live Life to Its Fullest

pic of charlesJanuary 3, 2014 (Friday)
Yesterday I wrote in this blog, “January 2 seems like ‘just another day,’ but like all days, holds the potential for being a great day,” or something like that. Today is a different story. After 82 years of life, almost every day on the calendar can bring memories. January 3, today, is the 12th anniversary of Wanda’s trip to the ER in an ambulance for a month-long hospital stay from which she did not return. Somehow one does not forget such a day, but I remind myself that she was the kind of person who filled her life with involvement and action. She would want all who loved her to do the same, living life to the fullest without regrets. Her motto–although she never spoke it–was a famous saying, “Phooey on the torpedoes; full speed ahead! (She would not have used the original word in the quotation, so I substituted “phooey,” whatever that means).
She didn’t care much for football, but I think she would have liked Jon Kitna, who shared her motto for living. Jon was an NFL veteran player who played for several teams, pic of jon kitnaincluding the Dallas Cowboys, for 16 years. He is now a math teacher and coach at Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Washington. He was called out of retirement last week to serve as backup to the backup quarterback, and paid $53,000 for his work. He has given the money to Lincoln High School, where his real mission is helping fatherless children find meaning in life and hope in an otherwise hopeless environment.
Jon Kitna met Christ while he was in college, and his life immediately was changed for the better. He encourages people to serve the Lord in whatever ways are possible. His illustration is the football huddle. “Get out of the huddle and make a play!” he advises. If you would like to read an inspirational story of how Christ can work through people who surrender themselves to Him, just “Google” the words, “Jon Kitna” and you will find many stories about him. Prepare to be amazed.
A Des Moines business man pretended to be a homeless beggar on a busy street corner a few days ago. Those who gave him money received a sealed envelope from him in return. When they opened the envelope, they found cash, illustrating to them that giving to others always brings blessings. This is indeed one of life’s greatest discoveries.
(Read the story here.)