New Year’s Resolutions?

pic of charlesJanuary 1, 2014(Wednesday)
First, a personal note. My son, David, sent the following message in an email today: “Janet met with her surgery and oncology teams today. Her post-surgical pathology reports indicate that the cancer is gone (so said the oncologist). She will continue to have radiation treatments and periodic doses of Herceptin, but it appears that she’s out of the woods, now.” Great news for a new year.
A website called suggests that these are among the most popular resolutions people make for the new year: Lose Weight, Volunteer to Help Others, Quit Smoking, Get a Better Education, Get a Better Job, Save Money, Get Fit, Eat Healthy Food, Manage Stress, Manage Debt, Take a Trip, Reduce- Reuse-Recycle Stuff, and Drink Less Alcohol.
Perhaps some or all of these ideas appeal to you. If so, have at it. Give it a try. You will be in the company of millions of resolutions-makers.
All of the above resolutions are easy, however, when compared to resolving to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. Why would I say that living by His teachings can be hard? Well, just take a look at some of the things he suggested to us or commanded us to do:

  • Forgive your enemies.
  • Turn the other cheek.
  • Go the second mile.
  • Take up your cross like He did.
  • Love one another
  • Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • Share the gospel with others.
  • Keep your promises to God.
  • Be kind and tenderhearted.
  • Forgive your friends and loved ones.
  • — (Shall we go on?)

Not as easy as we thought, huh? But, if you are going to make a resolution for 2014, why not make it a good one?

Suggested reading for all of us: Matthew 5, 6, 7 (The Sermon on the Mount).