A new experience

pic of charlesDecember 16, 2013 (Monday)
After a couple of weeks or more of sneezing, etc. I tried to preach yesterday morning. I didn’t speak long before I started coughing, and continued to speak amidst coughs for twenty minutes or so. I know the presentation must have been very annoying to my listeners, but I kept trying to get the message to them. They were patient. I was embarrassed. Finally it ended. I was glad when it was over. I think the congregation was happy about it, too.
One thing I can say about the experience. In 65 years of preaching, that’s the first time I’ve had that experience. I hope it’s the last.
Something good always comes from such experiences. I will be waiting patiently to see what that turns out to be.
Oh, the subject of the sermon? Joy! Who says the Lord doesn’t have a sense of humor?