Ah-choo! Sniff. Sniff.

pic of charlesDecember 3, 2013 (Tuesday)
This is Tuesday’s blog, but I’m writing it on Monday, because I want to write about what’s going on with me right now, while I’m still feeling sorry for myself. Allowed, but not encouraged, in old men.
Ever since the weather turned off cold, I have been plagued with runny nose and sneezing. Last night I decided that I have a cold because the symptoms are so severe, but as this day has progressed, I have come to the conclusion that it is simply a bad allergy attack. Researching the internet has made me think the true condition might be rhinitis (inflammation of nasal passages), but I feel sure that allergies are playing a part. I checked with one of the weather channels and right now in Rockport all the grasses, weeds and pollens are low or non-existent, but house dust and dander are listed as “extreme.” All my home remedies are failing me, and I know I am taking too much of the stuff that my doctor prefers I avoid completely, but desperate measures are sometimes needed.
I just had a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I wonder why this particular kind of soup tastes so good when our respiratory system is in distress. Some people think it actually has qualities that help people get well, or at least reduce severity of symptoms. Others, however, say any good effects are psychosomatic.

soup can.jpg

I don’t know about any of the curative effects, but I know it tastes good today. Boy, does it ever taste good. I wouldn’t be surprised if I treated myself to another bowl before the day is over.
I’ve had this problem since the age of eleven, but until I moved to Rockport, the hayfever spells always turned into asthma, which lasted one to three days; afterwards it all settled down for a while. Don’t ask me why the asthma stopped when I settled in Rockport; I just know it did. I never had asthma in Waco, either, although I would have it whenever I was just a few miles away.
A new cold spell is expected Thursday. I can hardly wait.