The Courageous Christian

pic of charlesOctober 21, 2013 (Monday)
“The Spirit .. gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7).
We teach toddlers to fear fire, falling, etc. It’s for their own good and safety.
On the other hand, adults need to conquer fear. God’s word is: “Fear not!” We are no longer slaves to fear” (Rom 8:15). We are believers! Therefore we are courageous and unafraid.
The spirit of fear says, “I cannot.”
God has given us “the spirit of power.”The spirit of power transforms us. Jesus promised power (Acts 1:8). Those empowered by the Spirit of God have found success, like Peter and John being so bold that their enemies took note of them, that they had been with Jesus. Later Paul was unafraid to witness in court, in jail, aboard a ship, marooned on an island, imprisoned in a dungeon. The Holy Spirit is the source of power to overcome fear in our life. He provides power to believe, power to endure trials, power to overcome temptation and power to serve the Lord. We can say, “I can do all things through Christ.”
God has also given us “the spirit of love.” The “spirit of fear” says, “I dare not,” but “God has given us the spirit of love,” which casts out the spirit of fear (1 John 4:18). The spirit of love says, “I must help.” That spirit can be seen in Jesus, who was willing to go to the Cross in order to save you and me.
And God has given us “the spirit of self-discipline.” The spirit of fear says, “I won’t.” The spirit of self-discipline goes into the garden with Jesus to pray with Him, “Not my will, but thine be done!”
The courageous Christian says, “I can! I must! I will!” Are you one of those?