Blessed Are Those Who Give

December 4, 2020 (Friday)

Perhaps you read the story, as I did recently, of George Clooney’s gifts to 14 friends. He gave each one a million dollars — in cash.

As the story went, he made a movie (“Gravity”) and instead of the usual salary agreed to a percentage of the profits off the movie. The movie was not expected to bring in much money, but everyone involved was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a hit.

At the time, Clooney was young, unmarried and virtually free of obligations, so he called fourteen of his closest friends over to his house and gave each of them a million dollars in cash.

That story is nothing if not unusual. I feel sure that many things happen that we never hear about, and we would be amazed to know about such acts of kindness and generosity.

For example, I have known of people who gave to others more than they kept for themselves. I have personally known of people giving sacrificially directly to others or to their church or some other agency so that others may be blessed. One such couple were giving 90% of their income to others, last I heard. They live in very humble circumstances.

Of course, not very many people can call up their friends and ask them to come over and collect a million dollars as an outright gift. But I have seen with my own eyes a widow giving from her need. I objected, but with tear-filled eyes she said, “I do my part.” She was like the woman Jesus observed, giving a tiny amount but sacrificing much.

The Bible says, “Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days you shall find it again.” In other words, your gifts do not go unnoticed by the Lord. He will bless those who bless others. Acts 20:35 – “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That’s what Jesus said.

Happy Birthday to Sarah Portman Hamm, my grandaughter-in-law, happily married to Alex Hamm and living in the Houston Heights.