The Power of Prayer

NOVEMBER 10, 2020 (Tuesday)

They prayed. then something happened. I share an old, old tract from the Pilgrim Tract Society of Randleman, North Carolina.

by M. E. Thorkildson

MOSES prayed, his prayer did save
A nation from death and from the grave. (Exodus 32:14)
JOSHUA prayed, the sun stood still,
His enemies fell in vail and hill. (Joshua 10:12-20)
HANNAH prayed, God gave her a son;
A nation back to the Lord she won. (1 Samuel 1, 7)
SOLOMON prayed for wisdom. Then,
God made him the wisest of men. (IKings 3:12;10:24)

ELIJAH prayed with great desire,
God gave him rain, and sent the fire. (IKings 18:37-45)
JONAH prayed, God heard his wail,
He quickly delivered him from the whale. (Jonah 2:1-10)
THREE HEBREWS prayed, thro’ flames they trod;
They had as a comrade the Son of God. (Daniel 4:21-25)
ELISHA prayed with strong emotion;
He got the mantle, and a double portion. (2Kings 2:9-14)
DANIEL prayed. The lions’ claws
Were held by the Angel who locked their jaws. (Daniel 6)

TEN LEPERS prayed, to the priests were sent;
Glory to God! They were healed as they went. (Luke 17)
PETER prayed, and Dorcas arose
To life again, from death’s repose. (Acts 9:39-41)
THE THIEF, he prayed–for mercy cried;
He went with Christ to Paradise. (Luke 23:42-43)
THE CHURCH, she prayed, then got a shock,
When Peter answered her prayer with a knock. (Acts 12)

ABRAM STOPPED praying, cities fell,
With all their sins, into hell! (Genesis 19:24; Jude 7)
THE DISCIPLES KEPT praying, the spirit came,
With “cloven tongues,” and Revival flame! (Acts 2:1f)
CONVICTION filled the hearts of men;
Three thousand souls were born again. (Acts 2:41)

When CHRISTIANS PRAY, as they prayed of yore,
With LIVING FAITH, for souls implore, (Joel 2:2C 7:14)
In “ONE ACCORD,” United stand —
REVIVAL FIRES will sweep the land! (Acts 2:1; Matthew 18)
And all the world GOD’S GLORY see! (Zechariah 10:1; Joel 2)

(Repeated from 2007)