
The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.

OCTOBER 9, 2007 (TUESDAY) – The fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness.
The Greek word translated, “faithfulness,” means “faith.” That’s why the King James Version translates it that way. The word basically refers to faith in God, which means we trust in Him and rely upon Him. In the present context, however, the word is referring to the fruit of the Spirit seen in believers, so it is better translated “faithfulness,” which means God and other folks can trust in us and rely upon us.
Astounding! This is saying that God believes in you!
How about it? Are you trustworthy and reliable? May people count on you? May the Lord depend upon you? I remember singing in an “Octet” in church one day in the late forties, a song that asked this same question. One of the lines was, “God needs people brave and true; May He then depend on you?” (View the words and listen to the song).
God works within and with you. The Holy Spirit is producing your Christian life. He is giving you “the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5).” Christ in you is your hope (Col 1:27). When the scales fall from your eyes, and you really see this truth, suddenly you stop trying, trying, trying so hard to please God, and surrender to His power within you. What you have failed to do, trying as hard as you can, God is able to do again and again, as the Holy Spirit within you produces this fruit, “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Jesus gave us a parable in Matthew 25 that illustrates the importance of faithfulness. It is the Parable of the Talents. In it, Jesus shows us that what matters is not how talented we are, but how much of whatever we have is dedicated to the Lord and available to Him. Are your gifts and talents surrendered to the Lord? Are you faithful to Him?
The Lord’s commendation at judgment will include, “Well done, good and faithful servant..” Faithfulness is important to God.
The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.