
The fruit of the Spirit is goodness.

OCTOBER 8, 2007 (MONDAY) – The fruit of the Spirit is goodness.
Common expressions we hear daily: “He’s a good man.” “Good for you!” ”Boy, this pudding is good.” “She’s a really good person.” “Good!” We could go on. This is just to say that we use the word, “good,” in many ways.
What does “goodness” mean, when we see it listed as a “fruit of the Spirit?”
Greek scholars tell us that “goodness” in Galatians 5:22 means, “uprightness of heart and life.” They also tell us that the Greek word for “goodness” is found only in the Bible and seems not to have been used in secular life.
Generally, people think of “kindness” associated with “goodness.” The description, “Good and kind” is heard often. But in Galatians 5:22 the two words are presented on an equal basis and has a meaning independent of the other. Since “kindness,” with its emphasis on loving deeds, has already been presented in the verse, then “goodness” would seem to be emphasizing moral uprightness.
If our reasoning is valid to this point, then “goodness” is a description of moral character. It’s what we mean when we tell our children to “be good.” We mean by that we want them to be obedient and respectful. Later in their lives we mean we want them to avoid sinful behavior and live by the teachings of Jesus.
We have all been influenced by people in our lives whom we considered to be “good” people. The fruit of the Spirit called “goodness” is clearly seen in their lives. They have been a good influence upon us. They have lived “good” lives (morally upright).
The Apostle Paul reminds the Galatians in this 5th chapter that certain behaviors are definitely not “good,” and those who prefer a life filled with sinful deeds prove they are not true children of God. “I warn you,” Paul said, “that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21 NIV). The opposite of sinfulness is goodness.
“Righteousness” and “goodness” do not seem to be synonymous. Goodness flows from within the person; righteousness is bestowed by God (2 Cor 5:21 – we have God’s righteousness in Christ). In Christ our standing before God is “righteous.” Because of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit within us, “goodness” is produced in our daily living.
The fruit of the Spirit is goodness.