November 3, 2020 (Tuesday) [Election Day]
This is the day we elect our president. My first general election took place when I was one year old. I have been alive during 23 general elections. Of course, I don’t remember the election of 1932, nor probably 1936, but I recall them all after that. I’m afraid I’ve taken these elections for granted. My eyes were opened a few short years ago when some countries emerging from behind the “Iron Curtain” gave their people the right to vote. The people were ecstatic. Some stayed up all night in line in order to cast their ballot. It was a privilege most of them had never known. They were so very happy. Somehow I think we should be just as grateful, and, to be sure, we should at least vote. Not every country allows that right to the citizens.
When the votes are counted, and the winners announced, let us remember that it is our solemn duty to pray for those who have been put into office by our votes.
Voting is our legal right and our voluntary duty. Let your voice be heard.