Good Thinking

pic of charlesMarch 12, 2013 (Tuesday)
“”For myself I am an optimist-it does not seem to be much use being anything else”–Winston Churchill

When you see a glass from which half its contents has disappeared, is the glass now half empty or half full?
Have you ever heard of “the silver lining” of clouds? What does that expression mean to you?
Are you training yourself to look on the bright side of life? Are you disciplining your thoughts to dwell on positive things rather than negative?
John Assaraf tells a story about two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities:

One man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, “Honey, I’m coming back home. There’s no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there’s no one to sell to.” He boards the next flight home.
The second man calls his wife and says, “Honey, you wouldn’t believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!”

Jesus wants us to think happy, positive and huge thoughts. That kind of thinking produces great big, wonderful deeds. Here’s the way he put it to us: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere–in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NLT).
Keep thinkin’ those good thoughts. We’ve got a big job to do.