
September 15, 2020 (Tuesday)

There are several types of walls in my house: brick, wood paneling, sheetrock and large glass doors. If a sheetrock wall is hit hard enough, a hole in the wall will be the result.

There are other types of walls. I watched a teen-aged friend of mine hit a concrete wall as hard as he could. Of course the blow did nothing to the wall. He was angry. Well, really he was enraged, to the point of not thinking clearly. So he hit the wall with his bare knuckles, breaking many bones in his hand and doing some additional damage to the bones of his arm.

That was 74 years ago. If he is still living today, my guess is that he still has problems associated with the moment of madness in his youth.

Why was he so angry? Frankly, I don’t remember. I’m sure he does, if he is still living. He would be in his 90s today.

Why do people get angry? What is anger, anyway?

Why do people kick a pet, or break an object to express their anger?

Why do some people go beyond that and strike another person, or even use a weapon against a person? Why do some people become so angry that they actually murder somebody?

Anger is one of our basic human emotions. What are emotions? Emotions are feelings. Logical actions result from logical thinking. Illogical actions can result from emotional reactions. Logical, resonable actions are usually planned to some degree; emotional irrational actions usually take place spontaneously, “on the spot.”

If one is living a dedicated Christian life, he is being counseled and guided by the Holy Spirit, who gives Christians the desire to let the Lord produce in them: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

The positive elements will push out the negative emotions, like anger, and enable you to live a happier kind of life. Learn to get into the habit of loving others and you will find it easier to control your anger.

If you get so frustrated you want to hit something, try finding a pillow. If you feel you just must hit a wall, make sure it’s the kind of wall that result in a hole, not in a broken hand or arm.

If I have wounded any soul today
If I have caused one’s foot to go astray
If I have walked in my own willful way
Dear Lord, forgive

Forgive the sins I have confessed to thee
Forgive my secret sins I do not see
Oh guide, watch over and my keeper be
Dear Lord, Lord, Amen