New Light

November 9, 2012 (Friday)
”picA new kind of flashlight was given to me, and I have found it to be an excellent source of light. It is an LED (Light Emitting Diode) flashlight.
Old style flashlights have incandescent bulbs, each of which features a filament that literally burns. It gets white hot and lights up the area in which it burns. The incandescent lights are powered by dry cell batteries.
The new LED flashlight is also powered by dry cell batteries, but the LED’s that produce light use the power more efficiently, and the batteries last longer.
The first dry cell battery was produced in 1896, and opened up the world of portable lighting devices. Before that time, the “innards” of batteries were liquid, like your car battery.
The LED is a semiconductor, like a transistor. At first we saw LED’s as red light on digital watches, and later as low light numbers, etc., on instruments and indicators, like the instrument panel on your car. Today, however, they appear on lighting devices on the outer surfaces of your car. In my opinion, they are much too bright on some cars, and in my case have produced “after images” in my vision that have hung around to distract me on the highway. I’m sure that will all be redesigned to insure safety as time goes on.
The color spectrum of an LED flashlight is different from the incandescent, and, in my opinion is much more impressive.
Jesus said of Himself, “I am the light of the world.” On another day, he said to his followers, “You are the light of the world.” When we feel overwhelmed by spiritual darkness these days, let us remember who Jesus is and who we are. He is the True Light and supplies the power to us for any light we may give to others.