Keep your head

Mind your heart

August 6, 2012 (Monday)
”picTropical storm Ernesto seems to be headed south of the U.S.A. His sister storm, Florence, seems to be on a course that will miss the Gulf of Mexico. But, never say die, friends, because the news sources are saying there will be more before the month is up. After all, we are entering the active months of hurricane season, with September, the most active month, just around the corner.
In other news, the Olympics have provided much excitement for the world. Strange, isn’t it, how the talk changes as the medals are won. The topics now are not as much about athletic ability, strenuous training and striving to become the very best as they are about awards, cash, and endorsements. From “how fast can you run” or “how high can you jump” the conversations about the Olympics have become “how much are you worth?”
Jesus warned us to beware the beguiling effects of money. His warnings were aimed at all of us, not just the famous. Strange to say, one does not necessarily need to have much money to make it his/her god. After I announced I was going to college to prepare to become a minister, I was asked by a very poor, shabbily dressed old man about how much money I could expect to make. I replied in my youthful idealistic fashion that it didn’t matter. He then told me, “I measure everything in life by the ten-cent yardstick.” Obviously, his god was money, but he had a fickle god because he was as poor as could be.
The Apostle Paul reminded us to think about high and noble things*, to “keep our heads on straight,” as we live out our time on earth. We need to keep in mind that day when we stand before our Lord, hoping to hear him say, “Well done.” With or without money, what’s in the heart is what really matters.

“..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8 NIV)

ps – This picture of my grandparents (John Forest and Mary Gladys Lowe) and me was taken exactly 70 years ago on August 4, 1942, in Houston.