The Picnic

Popular 4th of July activity

The blogs this week follow a patriotic theme.
July 6, 2012 (Friday)
”picMany people will have a picnic this week because Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and this holiday seems to go well with picnics.
A picnic can be a family gathering, like a reunion, with lots of aunts and uncles, and long-lost cousins. It can also be an intimate time for a couple in love, as they pretend they are in their own private world.
Picnics always feature food. Sometimes it’s sandwiches, finger-foods, salads, etc. Or it can be cooked food with the ever-popular covered dish, along with sliced brisket or fried chicken. The fact of the matter is that it can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. It’s your own picnic.
When it’s a family gathering, or an office picnic, etc. there is usually someone who brought horseshoes to throw at impromptu stakes in the ground, or a softball for a simple game, or a volley ball or soccer ball. Maybe, if there is a vacant basketball hoop available, a basketball is there. The point of these games, however, is not to win a penant or even to win the game–it’s just to share time with loved ones or friends and enjoy each other’s company.
A picnic is really a celebration of America, appropriate for the Fourth of July, celebrating the freedoms we all enjoy so much. Just having fun. Just relaxing. Just drawing a little closer to each other, and thanking the Lord for this wonderful country, the United States of America.
