The Declaration of Independence


The blogs this week follow a patriotic theme.
July 4, 2012 (Wednesday)
”picHappy Fourth of July! Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, and then Benjamin Franklin and John Adams made a few changes. You can see a photograph of that document by clicking here.
The name of the web site is “The History Place” and you can find many items of interest there.
In 1976, celebrating the 200th birthday of our country, the choir of the First Baptist Church of Rockport performed, “I Love America,” a musical by John Peterson and Don Wyrtzen. One of the songs from that wonderful presentation was “I’m Just a Flag-Waving American.” That tune and the words I can recall (like, “I thrill to see Old Glory flying high”) are buzzing in my head as I write this. I’m sure you join with me in repeating from your heart: “I love America!”
