
Not all good

June 27, 2012 (Wednesday)
”pic“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is the title of a new movie. The title speaks for itself. The movie purports to tell us of Lincoln’s war on vampires.
I noticed in an article about the movie that there is a factual error in it. It shows the Washington Monument in its completed form, but in fact construction ceased in 1854 and the monument was not completed until 1884.
But why should a movie about vampires balk at changing the history of a national monument? The big factual error in the movie is that there ever was a war on vampires by President Lincoln.
An even bigger error is the presentation of vampires as real. There are no such creatures.
Why mess with history for the sake of cheap entertainment ideas based on misguided mental meanderings of idle minds? History itself is exciting, vibrant and always alive. Many people know nothing of Lincoln and everything about vampires. Some insist on believing that undead people drink the blood of humans. Wasn’t the Civil War itself bloody enough?
I like science fiction and imaginary characters as much as anyone, but this vampire stuff is becoming cultic and hurtful to many impressionable young people eager to believe it. I would like to challenge writers and film makers to stick to the truth when dealing with history. When it comes right down to it, real history is more exciting than fictitious manipulation of it.