I find that it helps a lot.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 (THURSDAY) – There are many computer tricks you can use to enhance your computer experience. One of them was recently shared with me by Patty Albin. It makes the print on your screen much larger. Just hold down Ctrl and press the plus key on the keypad (far right on your keyboard). I find that it helps a lot. To make the text smaller, do the same thing with the “minus” key above the “plus” key.
Now, there was a time when I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing such a thing. It would have been an admission that my eyesight wasn’t better than average. My grandfather used to hand me items and ask me what the very small writing or printing said. “You be my eyes,” he said. I took great pride in that. So, when I bought my first “preaching Bible,” I bought one that fit in my hand and included the entire Bible. It had very small print. Easy for me to read, I thought. It was a subtle source of pride.
Well, all that has changed now. You may have noticed that every once in a while I hesitate when reading the Scriptures from the pulpit. That’s because I’m trying to decide which of the images I see is connected to the one I just read.
Once upon a time, downtown at the old church building, I developed a few little health problems that required a few little pills. They affected my vision so much that the entire page before me –- Bible, sermon notes, announcements, everything – was blurred so badly I couldn’t read it. So, before I quit taking that medicine, I had to get someone to read the Scriptures for me. I just tried to preach the sermon without notes. I know many preachers do very well without notes, and I’ve done it quite a few times, but it’s not the best way for me. So I just quit taking the pills, and my eyesight improved.
Age has taken its toll. While I have very good vision and few problems for a person my age, I still like the larger print on the computer screen, especially the flat screen models. So, if you have a need for the little trick described in the opening paragraph, just give it a try.