Holy Week – Day 4


April 4, 2012 (Wednesday)

”picEach blog this week will have two parts: 1. What happened? 2. What does it mean to us?
1. What happened on Wednesday of Holy Week?
The Bible is silent about Wednesday. It has been suggested, however, that perhaps Judas met with some of the rulers at the house of Caiaphas to firm up the plan to betray Jesus that they had made the night before.
2. What does it mean to us?
Many attempts have been made to explain Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Most of these attempts try to justify Judas’ feelings based on his background and idealistic ideas. The plain truth, however, is that Judas voluntarily turned against the person in his life who trusted him and gave him a chance to become great in God’s kingdom. When we decide to turn against our Lord, no justification for our action can be found. It is time for all of us to stand up and take full responsibility for our deeds. Judas had no excuse. Neither do we. All sin is a betrayal of our love for the Lord. Let us confess and forsake our sins.
Click here to read an account of the day’s events (Last year’s blog about Day 4 of Holy Week).
You may review last year’s blogs on Holy Week by clicking on “April 2011” in the “Archive” column in the right column of the index page. The blogs began on April 17, 2011 and concluded on April 24, 2011. The blogs give more details about each day during Holy Week.