Holy Week – Day 1

Palm Sunday

April 1, 2012 (Sunday)

”picEach blog this week will have two parts: 1. What happened? 2. What does it mean to us?
1. What happened on Sunday (Day 1 of Holy Week)?
Jesus made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, seated upon a donkey. The people cheered when they saw him. Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem marked the beginning of his final week of life that ended with his death, burial and resurrection. He was charging full speed ahead into events that he knew would result in his crucifixion. Jesus came into Jerusalem that day, committed to the giving of himself as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” He had set his face as a flint toward Jerusalem and nothing was going to keep him from fulfilling his mission to provide salvation for us all.
2. What does it mean to us?
You and I are followers of Jesus Christ, who came to Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday, totally committed to accomplish the mission for which he had come into the world. If we are truly his followers, we will approach life with the same kind of commitment. Are we willing to sing from our hearts and mean every word, “Wherever he leads I’ll go, Wherever he leads I’ll go. I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so. Wherever he leads I’ll go.”
Click here to read an account of the day’s events (Last year’s blog about Day 1 of Holy Week).
You may review last year’s blogs on Holy Week by clicking on “April 2011” in the “Archive” column in the right column of the index page. The blogs began on April 17, 2011 and concluded on April 24, 2011. The blogs give more details about each day during Holy Week.