Divine Forgiveness

“Father, forgive them..” (Luke 23:34)

Precious Forgiveness

February 20, 2012 (Monday)

”picJesus made seven statements while on the Cross. The first of these was, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34 NIV).
The forgiveness of Jesus was unexpected by those who were crucifying him. Just hours before, however, Jesus had made it clear that he could be spared crucifixion simply by asking the Father, who could send more than twelve legions of angels (more than 72,000 angels) to defend him. No person being crucified had been known to pray for those administering the sentence of death. Jesus had taught his followers to forgive, and now he puts his own teaching into practice. It should have suprised no one.
The forgiveness of Jesus was exemplary. He showed us it can be done. He set the example for all his followers. Forgiveness of others is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of spiritual strength. If you have tried it, you know it is one of the hardest things Jesus ever asked us to do.
The forgiveness of Jesus was all-inclusive. It surely included the soldiers who drove the nails and lifted the cross to an upright position, cruelly dropping it into the hole prepared for it. The love of Jesus also included the officials who demanded his death as well as the crowd of ordinary people who sat down to watch him die. Today Jesus offers forgiveness to all who will accept it.
The forgiveness of Jesus was conditional. His love was unconditional, and the offer of salvation also unconditional, but there was one condition. Acceptance. A gift is not a gift unless accepted. Therefore the one condition of eternal life is reception of the love of God in Christ. Will you receive Christ into your heart today?

Blogs On the Seven Statements (click on each to read it):
1. Divine Forgiveness
2. Divine Promises
3. Divine Love
4. Divine Sacrifice
5. Divine Suffering
6. Divine Accomplishment
7. Divine Acceptance