
Tropical Storm

July 28, 2011 (Thursday)
”picTropical Storm Don is headed for Texas, and as of Wednesday evening at 10:30 p.m. appears to be aiming at Rockport. Intensity is something that is harder to forecast, but the prediction is for winds 65 mph, just below hurricane strength. We’ll see, won’t we? What everyone is hoping for in this drought area is rain.
On August 1, 1970, which was a Saturday, our church members were out at the Big Tree for a Saturday night revival service, and Neal Griffis told me there was a storm coming through the Yucatan channel. By Monday morning, Hurricane Celia was here. It strengthened as it neared land, and became very powerful as it came ashore. Just reminiscing–no two storms are alike, even when they follow similar paths.
So, we wait and watch. We will know more soon.