
Necessary evil?

March 30, 2011 (Wednesday)
”picIs your car yellow? Mine is. That powdery substance floating in the air is pollen, and many of us are sneezing, wheezing and rubbing our itchy eyes because of it.
The beautiful wildflowers and the cultivated flowers in your garden all depend on pollen to live and thrive. The people who are allergic to these kinds of things are caught in a natural, essential process that makes vegetation, etc. possible. The bees love this time of year. Imagine yourself in a comedy club run by bees. The act is a two-bee team and presents this routine:

What is the clumsiest insect?
The Bumbling Bee.
What did the Bee say when he returned to the hive?
“Honey, I’m Home”
What is a bee’s favorite band?
The Bee Gees.
What was their #1 song?
“Stay in the Hive.”
Comic one: “My favorite movie line: ‘I love the crunch of pollen in the morning.’ ”
Comic two (a bee named Henny): “Take my pollen…please!”

O.K. O.K. I’ll quit. As Henny says, “I don’t get no respect.”
None of the above stuff is original. Somebody somewhere said it all before I did.