“Absent from the Body”

“Present with the Lord”

March 18, 2011 (Friday)
”picDuring the night of Tuesday, March 15, Mrs. Alta Albers, mother of my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Janet Fake, passed away. Janet has been making the trip from Pearland to Rockport often, visiting with her mother, and came down Tuesday to have a wonderful visit with her. They said good night to each other after enjoying a delightful evening of watching T.V. and visiting together. Janet found her Wednesday morning.
Funeral services have been scheduled for Mrs. Albers on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. at Charlie Marshall Funeral Home in Rockport.
Janet’s brother, Stan, lives in Tennessee and others in the family live in Colorado. The grandchildren live in Texas and Tennessee.
Alta had many health problems, but she learned to live with them all. She had a will to live, and God gave her strength to carry on in spite of the difficulties. She had a sense of humor and always enjoyed doing things with her hands, even after she was limited to a wheelchair and motorized scooter. Death came as a surprise to her family because she had such a dauntless spirit.
Again and again we are reminded as Christians that, even though death comes to all, it has no real power over the Believer. The Christian’s faith is rooted in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He overcame death and all who believe in Him follow in his steps.
There is a remarkable phrase in the New Testament that describes what happens when the child of God dies: “Absent from the body, present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). Christ helps us overcome our natural fear of death, and if a person is no longer afraid of death, he/she needs not fear anything else.