..we are one church..

We could make such beautiful music together.

August 13, 2007 (Monday) – When I think of “percussion” in an orchestra, I immediately visualize a drum. There are, however, at least eleven different instruments in the percussion section. There are also other sections: strings, woodwinds, brass, and keyboards. Altogether, an average orchestra may have as many as thirty-two different types of instruments in the four or five families of instruments. Of course, there is not just one of each of these types, so a full orchestra may actually be huge.
With all those people playing different instruments, what might we expect when they play? Truth is, what we hear is an equisite combination of sounds that blend together so well that we are sometimes enraptured by the music. And where does the printed music score come from? It usually comes from an inspired composer who hears all these sounds in his head and heart before he places the notes on paper. Indeed the presentation of beautiful music by an orchestra can be the experience of a lifetime, for the musicians and the audiences as well.
The church is like an orchestra. We are all different from each other. We come from different backgrounds, we went to different schools, we live our lives in different circumstances. We are not all alike, yet we are one church.
The Scripture celebrates diversity. We have different styles, different talents, different gifts. All the spiritual gifts come from the same Spirit. Different from each other, but working together. Like a group of talented musicians in an orchestra.
Jesus demonstrated God’s belief in diversity in his choice of disciples. No two were alike, even if they were brothers. They were eager to get on with the work of the kingdom, yet still unlearned in so many ways. Jesus wanted them to spend time with Him, so that they might get ready to serve Him. Could it be that Jesus still wants the same from us? To spend time with Him? Only then can we be ready to serve Him.
Each of us will serve Him in a unique way. If we follow the Will of our Father, we will do it with love and appreciation for what our brothers and sisters in the church are doing. We will celebrate their gifts as well as our own. And together we will create a beautiful symphony for our Lord, playing from the score that has come from His great heart.
Click on this to read Dale Pogue’s blog (The Muse is Loose).