Thank You

One and All

February 25, 2011 (Friday)
”picAs I sit here attempting to write another blog, I feel indebted to many people who have made this possible.
There was my First Grade Teacher, Mrs. Wind, who patiently taught her class every day. I can still remember how she named the letters of the alphabet, and sounded out each one. In my mind I can hear the class members repeating the consonants and the vowels. I recall the little books we learned to read. C for “Cat,” etc. Without her, I could not be writing one word here today. Then there was a succession of wonderful teachers through elementary school, who taught me all the basics upon which I have depended all these many years. Without them and the lessons they taught, I would be helplessly sitting here in front of a keyboard and monitor without the slightest idea of what they mean and how useful they can be.
Then there was my Seventh Grade English Teacher, Mrs. Mitchell, who encouraged me in many ways and taught me all about the nouns and verbs, prepositions and conjunctions. Grammar was made understandable, and became a tool that I have never laid aside since. Without the knowledge she imparted, I could never have pastored a church or written one line.
All those educators–First Grade to High School Graduation, College and Seminary–have contributed to my ability and desire to write this blog today.
Not only the teachers, but all the people who have contributed so much to my life–the family members, the employers, the coworkers, the kids, the young adults, the middle-age adults, the senior adults–have shaped the attitudes and beliefs that make me who I am. I am very thankful for every one of them, and every one of you. Whoever you are, if in any way at all our lives have touched, I am grateful for you. Thank you.
Here’s a beautiful poem set to music that expresses my thoughts:

No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man’s joy is joy to me,
Each man’s grief is my own.
We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.

(1950-Composers Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer)
See and hear it on YouTube, by the Lettermen