Blessing and Cursing

from the same mouth? (James 3:10)

January 26, 2011 (Wednesday)
”picIn yesterday’s blog I mentioned “curmudgeon” as a word I recognize but need to look up in a dictionary every time I hear or see it. Another such word is “ombudsman.” I know I’ve heard it before, but I have to look it up again. A simple definition is, “a man who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements..” I suppose the politically correct version of the word is “ombudsperson.” Anyway, if a person these days has a job where he gets paid when people complain, he/she should become a rich person.
Here’s a story that typifies today’s culture:

Patient: Doctor, you must help me. I’m under such a lot of stress, I keep losing my temper with people.
Doctor: Tell me about your problem.
Patient: I just did, didn’t I, you stupid fool!!

Some blogs, like this one, are harmless and perhaps bland at times, but many blogs today are vitriolic tirades against anything that happens to be present. The internet has given a forum to those who choose to complain.
We are tempted to join in the chorus of complaints, but we need to remember what the Scriptures teach us: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV).
Maintaining an attitude of thanksgiving will do wonders for your disposition and will help you to see your worries in a different light. “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5 NIV).
If you prefer light hearted suggestions, how about these lyrics from “Bye Bye Birdie:”

I knew a girl so gloomy
She’d never laugh or sing
She wouldn’t listen to me
Now she’s a mean old thing
So spread sunshine all over the place
Just put on a happy face
So, put on a happy face.