Requests, Prayers, Intercession, Thanksgiving

Things to remember when we pray

October 8, 2010 (Friday)
”picPaul wrote to Timothy: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone..for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1 NIV). In so doing, Paul uses four words that describe prayer.
The first of these words, translated “requests” in the NIV, is also translated as “supplications” or “petitions” in other versions of the Bible. The meaning should be clear to us. Paul is asking that we plead with God for others, making specific requests for specific people. “Lord, bless everyone,” may be a valid prayer, but “Lord, please supply Brother John with a dependable vehicle” is more to the point.
The second word in this short list is “prayers,” a generic word for prayers of all kinds. Paul’s point in this sentence is for us to include earthly rulers in our prayers, with the hope and expectation that their rulings will result in peaceful situations for us to carry out the work of the Lord. It’s as if Paul is saying, “When you pray, don’t forget to include kings and other rulers.” The word, “prayers,” then meaning prayers of any kind.
The third word, “intercessions,” describes prayers for others. Paul is urging us to include earthly rulers whenever we pray for others. In a time when rulers were feared by Christians, Paul is giving them a way to deal with their fears by loving and praying for those who might persecute them.
The fourth word, “thanksgiving,” is familiar to us. In this context, it means that we maintain a thankful spirit as we pray for those in authority. In any difficult situation, we are to focus on the positive and upon God’s power to bring about good, even from apparently evil situations.
These four words, however, apply to our prayer life in general. We need to remember that God is the source of supply for all our needs, and His power can see us through whatever we may be facing today.