New T.V.

More stuff now

September 14, 2010 (Tuesday)
”picWhen I moved to Houston in 2008, one of the pieces of furniture loaned to me by Dwight was his television. I really enjoyed using it for almost 3 years. While I was away, the television set here at the Rockport house gave up the ghost, so today I will buy a new flat screen LCD T.V.
In order to make a place for it, I had to do some adjusting of furniture. That process produced mountains of stuff now added to the mountains of stuff I already had. I’ll get it figured out somehow, and one of these days all my extra junk will be out of sight and safely tucked away. I don’t know how, but I know it can be done, and what can be done must be done.
Guess I need the “Clean House” team. Those folks come into your house and turn a mess into something nice. They convince family members to sell a lot of their belongings at garage sales. I’m sure that’s a great idea but I’m just not ready yet.
Don’t forget the kitty:

Click picture.