Boarding house explodes..

..roomers are flying..

August 24, 2010 (Tuesday)
”picThe cute little T.V. program, “Sabrina the Teen Age Witch,” features an episode called, “Rumor Mill.” Sabrina and a friend have a job in which they are tricked into believing that spreading rumors is community service. They soon learn that every rumor they create comes true. Then they set out to undo the damage. Total fantasy and all in fun, the program taught the truth that repeating rumors can hurt.
I would be doing myself a real favor if I were to test everything I hear by asking, “Is it true?” Until I know that for sure, I would be well-advised to keep to myself whatever I have heard, even if it’s on the T.V. news or in the newspaper.
Remember during World War 2 that posters were everywhere reminding us, “A slip of the lip will sink a ship?” The warning was not about rumors; it was about repeating what we had heard, true or not.
I was a Rotarian for a few years in the 1960’s. That organization is known for its “Four-Way Test,” which was created in 1932 by Herbert J. Taylor and is used by people all over the world: “Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”
Good stuff.